For several
years now we have had a resident pair of White-faced Herons (Egretta novaehollandiae (1)) and each year
they nest in a large Forest Redgum (E
tereticornis) on our property. The breeding season in SE Australia is
normally from September to December and while it is only mid-June now, the pair
are both in breeding plumage and are keeping close together as they feed in our
paddocks. They are preparing to breed.
breeding plumage consists of long lanceolate nuptial plumes which are silvery
grey on the mantle and scapulars and chestnut on the breast.
Please click on photos to enlarge.
Adult White-faced Heron in breeding plumage. |
One bird is
slightly, though noticeably, larger than the other. In the field guides which I
have consulted there is no mention of a size difference between the sexes and
as the sexes look similar I am unable to say which sex the larger bird is.
I waited a
long time hoping to get a side by side comparison photo of the pair who mostly
foraged apart.
This is the best I could achieve – the bird in shadow at the rear is the larger bird. |
including the White-faced, have several highly modified patches of feathers
that produce powder-down - a talcum-like powder that is used for grooming and cleaning
feathers. Some other species of water birds have powder-down patches as do some
non-water bird species such as wood-swallows for example. The powder gives the
plumage a powdery appearance and reduces the fine feather detail giving a slightly
blurry appearance. I first noticed this with some woodswallow photos that I
thought were out of focus until I learnt about powder-down.
White-faced Heron is easily our most well-known heron being both abundant and
widespread and can be found from coastal habitats to far inland, wherever there
is water. The pair on our property have access to a small farm dam and the
Nicholson River nearby, and suitable trees to nest in, however they spend a lot
of their time foraging for food on grassy paddocks rather than in shallow water.
Herons are “habitat generalists” and can be found hunting fish in water or
worms in a paddock as they have been doing at home over the past week or two.
Pretty much any vertebrate or invertebrate animals they come across that are
small enough to swallow are potential food for White-faced Herons.
I have been
coming and going on the tractor through their favoured feeding paddock recently
and when I do they usually fly to a nearby fence post and when I have passed by
they return to the paddock to forage.
One of our resident White-faced Herons perched on a fence post waiting for me to depart the paddock so it can return to foraging. |
with some egrets and herons that have adopted the “stand-and-wait” approach
White-faced Herons are more active hunters. The hunting technique used in our
paddock is “stealthy stalking” and when a food item has been spotted the long
and sharp dagger-bill is thrust out at lightning-speed to catch the item in a
pincer grip. The sharp bill can also be used to spear larger prey such as fish.
All herons
have a special hinge mechanism at the sixth vertebra which facilitates the
lightning fast, forward thrusting movement of the neck, head and dagger bill
when seizing or impaling prey.
With the
camera supported on the top of a fence post I watched the pair stalking through
the relatively short but thick grass searching for earthworms. Their eye sight,
and perhaps hearing, must be exceptionally good to spot earthworms on or
partially under the ground in dense grass. Once a worm was spotted and their
gaze was fixed on the hapless prey, the lightning fast strike almost always
resulted in a worm capture. The worm was swallowed so quickly I only managed to
capture a couple of photos showing the worms in the bill.
Evidence of the food they are taking from the paddock - earthworms. |
Another worm captured in a precise pincer grip with the very tip of the bill. |
following photos are a selection from about 80 I took of the pair stalking earthworms
in the paddock.
At any sign of a potential threat, for example a magpie’s alarm call, foraging is interrupted and the heron’s head goes up like a periscope to check for danger. |
Lunging into the grass – the grass is not quite as thick as it appears in this foreshortened view through the camera lens. |
I can’t recall if this was a rare miss or the bird has just swallowed the worm? |
The hunt continues. |
The long neck allows for a forward look beyond any disturbance caused by the feet. |
The forward-facing eyes are essential for good vision to locate prey and for accurate control of the bill strike. |
When hunting, the herons have a look of complete focus and concentration. |
The foot is poised; the eye is focused. |
Herons and
the closely related egrets are beautiful and elegant birds – we are very
fortunate to have a resident breeding pair of White-faced Heron virtually in
our backyard.
(1) Note regarding the name herons and
scientific name for the White-faced Heron (Egretta
novaehollandiae) shows it is in the genus Egretta and therefore is an egret and not a heron?
The names
heron and egret have no taxonomic relevance with the vernacular name egret
being used for white birds and heron for the non-whites. A look at a copy of the
taxonomic list from Christidis and Boles 2008 below shows the Eastern Great,
Intermediate and Cattle Egrets in the heron genus Ardea and Pied and White-faced Herons in the genus Egretta.
I guess
Bitterns, Egrets, Night Herons and Herons can all be regarded as herons, or should
that be egrets?
Copied from
Christidis and Boles 2008
Australasian Bittern
Botaurus poiciloptilus
Australian Little Bittern
Ixobrychus dubius
Black Bittern
Ixobrychus flavicollis
Great Egret
Reef Egret
Nankeen Night-Heron
Nycticorax caledonicus