The Scarlet Honeyeater (Myzomela sanguinolenta), is a blossom
nomad, with some populations sedentary in the north of their range, and others
migrating south in the summer.
In recent years the number of Scarlet
Honeyeaters in East Gippsland has increased enormously with a very large influx
of birds following a major flowering event, when most eucalypt species across East
Gippsland all flowered in one season. Even though eucalyptus flowering events
have been far more moderate since then, good numbers of Scarlet Honeyeaters are
still coming to East Gippsland each spring.
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Male Scarlet Honeyeater perched on a
Wonga Vine tendril. |
The female Scarlet Honeyeater has far
more somber plumage. |
The Scarlet Honeyeater at 10-11 cm long is
our smallest honeyeater followed closely by the Black Honeyeater at 10-12 cm.
Despite the vivid red of the male, they can
be surprisingly hard to find high in the forest canopy even when you can hear
the loud, clear, distinctive and pleasant calls. Fortunately we have a resident
pair in our garden at present and they spend a lot of time feeding in a callistemon
heavy with yellow flowers and nectar, making them relatively easy to see and
The same tree also attracts Red and Little
Wattlebirds, New Holland and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, Eastern Spinebills and
large numbers of introduced honeybees. When the loud and aggressive wattlebirds
move in, the smaller honeyeaters leave but they soon move back once the larger
birds depart.
The Scarlet Honeyeaters are somewhat shy
feeders, not often coming out to the open outer edges of the callistemon to
feed. So capturing photos is not easy and much time and patience is required.
Female feeding on callistemon flower
nectar. |
The Female regularly interrupts her
feeding to check that all is safe. |
Male feeding in callistemon. |
The male also often stops feeding checks safety. |
The brilliant red extends all the way down the back. |
After many frustrating attempts to obtain
some photos of the feeding pair, the male took a break out in the open on a
Wonga Vine tendril to have a preen of his head feathers giving an opportunity
for some close up portraits against moderately strong backlight.
Ruffled head feathers – the feathers
around the head and neck were being preened during this session. |
The male departing – is he poking his
tongue at the photographer, a rude gesture in response to being harassed while
feeding? |