Blue-billed Ducks (Oxyura australis) are small, stiff-tailed diving ducks found in
deep, well-vegetated wetlands. They are endemic to Australia.
Secretive, elusive and wary birds, they are
possibly Australia’s most uncommon duck, though they may be locally common in
some areas. They are a thoroughly aquatic duck and rarely leave the water,
except to breed. Being well adapted to swimming under water they are not well
built for walking on land.
The male Blue-billed Duck. |
Ideal Blue-bill habitat, a heavily vegetated deep freshwater wetland, where the photos for this post were taken. |
At least some of the South Eastern
Australian population migrates annually from their stronghold in the Murray
Darling Basin (MDB) to coastal wetlands in Victoria and South Australia. Blue-bills
are probably nomadic to the extent that they are forced to seek refuge in
coastal wetlands during droughts in the MDB. There is a separate population in
South West Western Australia.
Coastal wetlands in East Gippsland are on the
edge of the Blue-bills’ core range, therefore we do not see them here very
often and when we do it is always a special pleasure that comes with seeing an uncommon
species. I was fortunate to observe and photograph about a dozen Blue-billed
Ducks in a local wetland near Bairnsdale recently.
One of about six male Blue-billed Ducks in a group of about 12 birds. The birds readily dive when threatened or vanish into the dense reeds. |
This young male has not yet developed a blue bill and is only showing a hint of the rich chestnut body feathers and dark black head. |
The grey female Blue-billed Duck - reminds me of Freckled Ducks! |
Male and female side by side - I could find no breeding records for this species in East Gippsland. I can't see why they would not breed here! |
The stiff tail feathers are usually carried below the water surface however sometimes they are carried erect in a fan. |
I like the colourful patterns formed by the reflected reeds on the slightly disturbed water surface. |
The birds formed a lose flock suggesting they are not in breeding mode. During breeding, birds form into pairs and disperse to take up breeding territories. |
A pair of females to compliment the above shot. |
It was a privilege and joy to get close enough to this shy species to observe and take photos.
Post script:
Here is a belated post script with clear photographic evidence
for Blue-billed Ducks breeding in Macleod Morass near Bairnsdale. The photos in
the above post were taken on the 17th of September 2015. At that
time the dozen Blue-bills did not appear to be breeding however I could see no
reason why they would not breed in the Morass. On a subsequent visit to the
same area of the Morass on the 7th of November 2015 two females were
photographed with nine ducklings, 3 were clearly older/larger than the other 6
and two females were in attendance. The ducklings had formed a creche, which is not unusual among duck species.
Close up of one of the female Blue-bill Ducks with the
nine ducklings. |
One female with the nine ducklings. |
Both females in photo with the ducklings. |
It was good to confirm Blue-bills breed in our area and have
photo evidence. Musk Duck were also found breeding in the same area of the