We first visited Newhaven in July 2010 and
were so impressed with the property that we did not hesitate to include another
visit in this winter’s trip to Central Australia and the Alice Springs area.
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A small section of the rugged red
quartzite Home Range above the Newhaven Homestead bathed in late afternoon
light. |
Newhaven is an important wildlife sanctuary
located in the southern Tanami Desert in Northern Territory. The property was
purchased by Birds Australia in 2000 with the goal of conserving biodiversity
and threatened species. Birds Australia, now BirdLife Australia, partnered with
Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) in 2006 to jointly manage Newhaven, with
AWC the lead partner.
For more information about BirdLife
Australia and AWC visit their web sites here:
Newhaven is accessed by driving from the
Stuart Highway 200km along the Tanami Road (soon to be sealed to the Newhaven
turn off), and then due west for 138km to reach the homestead and camp ground.
The last fuel available is at Tilmouth Well Roadhouse on the Tanami Road about
34km short of the Newhaven turn off.
The road into Newhaven about 95km from
the Tanami Road and approaching a gap in Siddely Range – Newhaven’s eastern
entry gate lies about 5km west of the gap. |
It is possible to reach Newhaven homestead
by two wheel drive vehicle however 4WD is recommended and AWC insist on use of
4WD’s to undertake any of the six self-guided tours within the 262,600 hectare
property. We did all of the tours during our seven day stay, completing 525 kms
of internal driving and 1,242 km for the round trip from Alice Springs and back
to Alice - so fuel supplies need careful planning (Diesel is $2/litre at
Tilmouth Well).
The main West Camp Ground area is
attractive, set in a mulga grove, with drinking (bore) water, toilets and hot
showers available. Anyone planning to visit Newhaven should contact the
Managers at Newhaven to arrange their visit – see contact details in the web
link above.
It is very hot during the summer months so
a visit during the winter months is recommended and in any case Newhaven is
only geared up to manage visitors/campers over the winter period.
Many of the features of Central Australian
deserts are contained within Newhaven including rocky ranges, lakes, parallel
sand dunes, spinifex grasslands, chenopod, mulga and so on. So far 74 reptile,
6 amphibian, 171 bird and 21 mammal species have been recorded at Newhaven.
A compressed view through 600mm lens
looking north across small section of dry bed of Lake Bennett bordered by red
sand dunes with Desert Oak and Home Range in the background. |
Of course, being Central Australia, habitat
conditions can vary greatly depending on past rainfall and fire history. When
we were last there in July 2010 it was exceptionally wet with the lakes full
and abundant plant growth along with large numbers of birds, both species and
abundance. We recorded 97 bird species in our four day stay then and this time,
63 for a seven day stay. Following the wet period the abundant plant growth
resulted in massive wildfires in January 2011, which burnt around 75% of the
property. So it pays to check conditions when planning a visit.
It is not possible in a short blog post to
do justice to a seven day stay on such a large property. The following photos
and text will give you a taste of the area and some of the birds and
conservation issues.
Surface water across Newhaven and much of
the Central Deserts is ephemeral. Many animals have adapted to live without
surface water, gaining their requirements from the food they eat and conserving
moisture by adaptive behaviours, for instance living underground by day and
foraging at night.
In the past cattle stations established
groundwater bores for their stock and whilst some have been closed, some of
these are still maintained by AWC on Newhaven. Artificial water in a desert
environment has many wildlife management issues. It is good for birders because
it attracts a larger range of bird species and a greater abundance of birds. On
the other hand the same water can support feral animals.
We saw a number of camels on our
travels around Newhaven and many more tracks. Their numbers are managed through
exclusion from water and direct culling by shooting. I guess camels have a
certain attractiveness however I think only their mothers could love them. |
Dingoes need water but unfortunately cats
and foxes do not require surface water as they can obtain moisture from their
Male Dingo on dry lakebed - we saw a
number of dingoes at Newhaven and tracks in the red soil were apparent everywhere
we stopped. |
AWC currently maintains some bores with structures
to exclude camels and still support a healthy dingo population. This helps keep
some downward pressure on feral fox and cat numbers to the benefit of our small
native animals. Foxes are also being targeted with 1080 baits in a trial system
that prevents dingo access to the baits. Cats are much harder to control as
they generally will not take baits – visit the AWC web site to read what they
are doing to manage cats and foxes.
The water points across Newhaven attracted
very large numbers of seed eating Zebra Finches, a bird species that is well
adapted to the desert environment, but needs to drink every day. So wherever zebs
are, water will not be far away. Raptors such as goshawks and falcons have
learnt that water points are a very good source of food, that is zebs. We saw
raptors hunting zebs at all the water points we visited including the one in
the camp ground which we could observe from the comfort of a chair at our camp
site. Brown Goshawks and Australian Hobbies regularly made high speed passes
over the birdbath.
Water bore with fenced water trough.
The tree on the horizon behind the solar power panel support post was a
perching place from which Brown Goshawks launched low level attacks on zebs coming
in for a drink. |
Just a small number of the zebs in the
area waiting nervously to come in for a drink.
This adult Brown Goshawk was perched
in the tree described above, it was focused on the water point shown above. |
The Goshawk has zeb feathers stuck to its
bill and an enlarged crop full of Zebra Finch. Hunger not satisfied, the gos
was still hunting. It was so intent on observing the water point that I was
able to approach for a close photo. After I took this shot it took off. I found
it on the ground at the trough where it had another zeb.
Other raptors seen at Newhaven on our visit
included Wedge-tailed and Little Eagles, Black-breasted Buzzard, Nankeen
Kestrel, Black-shouldered Kite, Brown and Grey Falcons! The last were of course
our highlight bird species for our stay at Newhaven (we found a male/female
pair at Freshwater Bore).
View from the summit of Mt Gurner located
near the western end of Newhaven. The flat topped mesa and other small rocky
hills in the distance lie just beyond the western boundary of Newhaven. |
Two Wedge-tailed Eagles joined us for
part of our climb to the summit of Mt Gurner - this one came in for a close look at the rare human visitors. |
A pair of Nankeen Kestrels also joined
us and provided some brief entertainment when they interacted with the much
larger eagles. |
Susie’s Lake, an oasis in a dry landscape, still holding fresh water
following good rains in January. |
Little Eagle, pale morph, near Susie’s Lake, the
only lake on Newhaven with water during our visit. |
Brown Falcons are very successful
desert dwellers, they are numerous and widely distributed and happen to be very
confiding birds, often allowing very close approach. |
Our camp at Newhaven with a section of
Home Range in the background. |
There was always some bird activity of
interest to observe in and around the campground with birds such as Major
Mitchell’s Cockatoos and other species coming in for a drink at the birdbath,
raptors hunting and a range of woodland birds, such a resident pair of
Red-capped Robins, coming through the Mulga Woodland or living in the area.
This male Red-capped Robin was the
current resident owner of the campground area. Red-caps and Hooded Robins are
well adapted desert woodland dwellers. The hardy red-cap is our smallest robin. |
The female Red-capped Robin. |
There were a number of honeyeater species
about with some widespread and others concentrated around flowering plants,
particularly Corkwood (Hakea species) and Honey Grevillea (Grevillea eriostachya).
There were good stands of the Honey
Grevillea in places, which were a magnet for Honeyeaters and Woodswallows. |
Brown Honeyeater on Honey Grevillea
flower spike. The browns were very numerous.
White-fronted Honeyeaters were in much
smaller numbers around the Honey Grevilleas. |
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters are a common
and widespread arid land honeyeater, there were good numbers at Newhaven. This
one was calling and possibly in breeding mode. |
Spiny-cheeks are an unusual medium
sized and distinctive honeyeater. Their calls are also unusual and distinctive. |
Singing Honeyeaters are our most
widespread honeyeater. There were good numbers at Newhaven. |
Grey-headed Honeyeater hiding in a
mallee tree. There are a number of mallee species on Newhaven. |
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater – we found only
small numbers of this species. |
There were large numbers of Black-faced and
Masked, plus a small number of White-browed, Woodswallows at Newhaven, mainly
associated with the Honey Grevillea and Hakea flowers.
A pair of Masked Woodswallows taking a
break from feeding on Hakea flowers nectar. |
Masked Woodswallows at Hakea flowers. |
The distinctive woodswallow flight
shape – this is a Masked Woodswallow. |
There were small numbers of
White-browed Woodswallows among the much more numerous Black-faced and Masked –
this is a male. |
We also came across small flocks of Crimson
Chats. They were feeding on the ground and were very wary and hard to approach.
I selected only one photo good enough to include in this post.
Male Crimson Chat perched up higher
after feeding among spinifex clumps. It was a windy day and the Chats seemed to
be extra nervous so I was lucky to catch this male perched briefly within range
of the camera. |
Euros on Home Range. |
Termites out foraging after a rare and
brief rain shower. Termites are the grazers in spinifex country, they are the
base of the food web and play the role large herbivores play in African grasslands. |
Reptiles such as this small lizard
play a major role in desert ecology, feeding on herbivores, the termites and ants.
This is a parallel role to that which lions and other large apex predators play
in the African grasslands, feeding on herbivores. Being winter, the cold
blooded reptiles were not very active. |
Fire management is a major task at
Newhaven. |
Changed fire regimes since Aboriginal
people were moved off their country into settlements in the 1930’s and 40’s has
resulted in disastrous very hot and very large fires across inland deserts.
Many small animal species have been wiped out and habitats changed radically.
Restoring small mosaic burns and controlling introduced feral animals is now being
used and needs to continue if we are going to stem the tide of extinctions and
restore threatened species back into the ecology of the our arid desert
AWC is playing an important role in this
regard and are well worth supporting – I urge readers to look at the AWC web
site to gain an appreciation of the issues facing our wildlife and what is
being done to help prevent further extinctions.
Note of appreciation and thanks:
I wish to express my appreciation and
thanks for the great work being done by the Newhaven Managers, staff and
volunteers to run Newhaven and achieve the AWC and BirdLife conservation
objectives and the work that makes possible our visit there and enjoyment of
the property when others put in the hard yards.
For anyone interested in the ecology of our
inland deserts (which make up a very large percentage of the Australian
mainland) or planning a visit to Central Australia, I highly recommend
obtaining a copy of Penny Van Oosterzee’s excellent book, The Centre.
Centre, an award winning book on the natural history of Central Australia,
a must read book for anyone wanting to understand The Centre or planning a
visit there. |
If you read this before coming to the Red Centre
you will have a much greater knowledge of what you see there and understanding
of just how unique and amazing our inland desert regions are.